Spring Cleaning, The Mad Table Style

Spring is here! While Mother Nature is busy beautifying outside, now is the perfect time for you to beautify the inside of your home with a bit of decluttering, organizing and old-fashioned elbow grease. Here at The Mad Table, we’ve got practical tips that are essential for getting your home in tip-top shape and ready to host spring soirees, family gatherings, lunches, brunches or whatever your heart desires!
Get Organized:
Avoid piles of clutter and misplaced objects by creating a “home†for everything.
Clothes: Place out of season clothes in labeled containers or vacuum seal bags. Store them in in your garage, basement or tucked away neatly in your closet or in under-the-bed bins.
Crafts: Sort craft supplies and place them into color-coded or labeled bins and containers.
Cleaning supplies: Take inventory! Use partially filled bottles first to reduce the amount of cabinet space they absorb. Responsibly get rid of what you won’t use.
Kitchen supplies: From ingredients to utensils, place everything in a logical and accessible location (think spice racks, magnetic strips, glass jars, airtight food storage containers etc.).
Get Rid of What You Don’t Need:
Have an honest look at your closet (and kids’ closets, too). Make three piles: keep, donate or sell. Struggle with letting go of clothes? A good rule of thumb is that if you haven’t worn it in the last few years, you likely won’t wear it again. Ciao, bella!
Donate old books (including unused cookbooks) to Goodwill or interested friends.
Toss games that are missing pieces or no longer work and find new homes for those toys that your children have outgrown.
Keep Cleaning Manageable:
Clean 15 minutes a day instead of spending an entire day in this overwhelming chose.
When leaving a room, take something with you that doesn’t belong.
Have a beautiful basket in each room where you can place items that need to get back to their “home†(see “Getting Started,†above) – magazines, blankets, clothes, shoes, etc. An upstairs and downstairs basket is ideal for two-story homes.
Time Is of the Essence:
Make a monthly trip to drop off unused or unwanted items to a thrift store or shelter. Alternatively, keep a donation box in your closet or garage and drop it off once it’s full.
Replace spices after 12 months. Tip: If they don’t have a scent, there is no flavor.
You know what they say about cleanliness, and we couldn’t agree more! For more tips and tricks on getting your home in pristine condition, visit us at The Mad Table website. And be sure to like The Mad Table on Facebook and follow us on Instagram for all the latest news, delightful recipes and excellent entertaining tips and ideas.