How to Stay Healthy Despite a Hectic Work/School Environment

A picture of some food on top of a table.

The old saying goes, “You can’t pour from an empty vessel.†And that applies to you, mom! Running around after kids and family, homework and after-school activities, work, preparing meals, making and keeping the family’s appointments…it’s easy to get in the habit of putting your needs last. But you’ll be at your best if you take time to make yourself a priority! We’ve got tips to make sure you stay healthy despite a hectic work/school environment: 

Nourish Your Soul

Start each morning with a prayer, mantra or expression of gratitude. Starting your day with positive energy makes a huge difference.

Listen to music while making your bed or getting ready (chill vibes or instrumental music work wonders for me).

Meditate before going to bed, and make it a part of your bedtime routine.  Relax your body and mind to fall asleep and you’ll stay asleep with greater ease.

Nourish Your Body

Drink a glass of room temperature water with freshly-squeezed lemon first thing in the morning. It stimulates your metabolism and aids with digestion.

Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. Infuse it with fruits, veggies or herbs for a flavor boost that will keep you coming back for more.

A picture of some food on top of a table.

Treat your body to healthy foods that are good for you. Eliminate processed foods and focus on the outer aisles at the supermarket  â€“ that’s where the fresh food, dairy and proteins are generally found.  Also, aim to limit your sugar and salt intake.

Prioritize Your Body

Organize your day the night before. Creating a daily to-do list helps prioritize your obligations and is a great way to declutter your mind and lessen stress (which wreaks havoc on the body).

Exercise daily! There are plenty of fun ways to move your body: walk, jog, hike, yoga, Cross Fit, Tai Chi, walk your dog, join a gym, etc. Seriously, there’s something for everyone!  And if you can find an exercise partner – do it! With a partner, you’re less likely to skip or make excuses. 

A picture of some food on top of a table.

*BEST TIP*: Get good night’s sleep! A good night’s sleep aids in productivity, supports your immune system, gives your body time to rest and recharge and is one of the body’s best tools for healing.

Make yourself a priority and live a longer and healthier life. And as a bonus, you’ll find you’re a better parent, spouse and friend, and you’ll suddenly see how much more you can accomplish – daily!  You’re worth the investment!

For more tips on how to stay healthy, sign up for my weekly blog.  And be sure to like The Mad Table on Facebook and follow us on Instagram for all the latest news, fabulous recipes and gorgeous entertaining tips and ideas.

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